Sunday, May 12, 2013

Adding Lean Gains to My Simple Diet

A few weeks ago I posted My Simple Diet Guidelines. About a week ago I added intermittent fasting to the diet and I have been able to see faster results. I still follow a once a week weightlifting protocol, but I added a little walking everyday. I made these modifications to slowly move to Martin Berhkan's LeanGains Protocol. The supplements stay the same but I take them with my first meal of the day instead of breakfast like I used to.

Additions (Non-Workout Day):

  • Eat my last meal of the day between 6:00PM  and 8:00PM.
  • The next day take 10g of BCAA 15min before I go for a 30 to 60 minute walk at around 11:30AM.
  • Eat my first meal of the day after my walk with about 50% of the calories calculated in My Simple Diet Guidelines.
  • Have a snack in the middle of the afternoon if I have something available.
  • And start over by eating my last meal of the day between 6:00PM  and 8:00PM.
Additions (Workout Day):
  • Eat my last meal of the day between 6:00PM  and 8:00PM the day before the workout.
  • The next day take 10g of BCAA 15min before I go for a 30 to 60 minute walk at around 11:30AM.
  • Eat my first meal of the day after my walk with about 25% of the calories calculated in My Simple Diet Guidelines.
  • Have a snack at around 3:00PM if I have something available. A very small snack.
  • Take 10g of BCAA 20min before my workout.
  • Take 10g of BCAA after my workout.
  • Eat a large meal high in carbohydrates such as rice. Even tough I add more carbs on this day I still do not go over the total calories calculated in my guidelines.
  • Take 10g of BCAA before going to sleep.
  • And start over by eating my last meal of the day between 6:00PM  and 8:00PM.
I added 1 to 3 glasses of red wine and one low-fat ice-cream cone on Saturday and like Martin Berkhan says:


  1. I never heard of this! Does it really work and can women do this, as well?

    1. Women do it too. I think the only change is that women need a 10hr eating window instead of 8hrs.

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